Andy Karmy's MiniMax Project


The Airplane Factory

Well, Here is a good shot of part of the garage. Notice the Table saw, Bench disk grinder, Bench sander, various work surfaces etc. It seems to work fairly well for the project thus far. As always you want more and more room, but it is not really needed.
Drill Press & the best thing for those cold winter nights! Propane heat! Keeps it nice and toasty in the shop.
Yes even a band saw that I got for Christmas. Boy does this make it nice to rip out parts!

What project would be complete without a shop dog? This is Rusty and he spends every evening in the shop building with me. He loves the taste of pine scraps so we make a good pair.
Of course there are many other projects going on in the shop at the same time as the MiniMax.
This is how you pour the glue.
This is how you sand the parts!
Very quickly I had to start figuring out how to store the parts once they were completed. This wall rack works great for small stuff. The wings will hang from the ceiling.
It's not hard to find good help around the shop. Here is quality control reviewing the nose rib construction.
The daily cleanup chore is also a fun one. I forgot how much fun it is to simply suck up sawdust! We seem to generate lots of it daily.
AHHHHH Mars Alien's have invaded the shop.